
Tournament Rankings

2023-2024 Class M Girls Basketball

Qualifying Teams

1East Hampton20-0 (1.000)188360,980Wins: Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8), North Kingstown High School (?-?), Morgan (M: 14-5), Fairfield Ludlowe (LL: 12-8), Fairfield Warde (LL: 15-5), Cromwell (M: 3-17), North Branford (S: 11-9), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Kolbe Cathedral (M: 13-7), Hale Ray (S: 8-12), Portland (S: 2-18), Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Westbrook (S: 3-17), Ledyard (MM: 11-9), Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8), Coginchaug (S: 11-9), Morgan (M: 14-5), Cromwell (M: 3-17), North Branford (S: 11-9), Portland (S: 2-18)
2St. Paul Catholic17-3 (0.850)149464,364Wins: Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Woodland (M: 9-11), Oxford (M: 17-3), Wolcott (M: 7-13), Wilton (L: 10-10), WCA (MM: 11-9), Torrington (L: 12-8), Kennedy (LL: 11-9), Watertown (MM: 11-8), Derby (S: 1-19), Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Wilby (L: 6-14), Seymour (M: 11-9), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Crosby (L: 4-16), Seymour (M: 11-9), Woodland (M: 9-11)
Losses: Glastonbury (LL: 16-4), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), Holy Cross (L: 19-1)
3Oxford17-3 (0.850)148110,492Wins: Wolcott (M: 7-13), Kennedy (LL: 11-9), WCA (MM: 11-9), Stratford (L: 5-15), Derby (S: 1-19), Watertown (MM: 11-8), Seymour (M: 11-9), Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Crosby (L: 4-16), Torrington (L: 12-8), Wolcott (M: 7-13), Wilby (L: 6-14), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Torrington (L: 12-8), Watertown (MM: 11-8)
Losses: St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Woodland (M: 9-11), Ansonia (M: 13-7)
4Wilcox Tech17-3 (0.850)8717,841Wins: Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Platt (L: 1-19), Acad. of the Holy Family (S: 0-2), Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4), Acad. of the Holy Family (S: 0-2), Maloney (L: 3-17)
Losses: Ellis Tech (S: 17-3), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Wright Tech (S: 11-9)
5Windham16-4 (0.800)152632,359Wins: Stonington (M: 12-8), St. Bernard (S: 13-7), Montville (M: 10-10), Bolton (S: 12-6), Coventry (S: 12-8), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Griswold (M: 5-15), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), Waterford (MM: 7-13), Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Parish Hill (S: 9-11), Montville (M: 10-10), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Killingly (MM: 10-10), Griswold (M: 5-15)
Losses: Ellington (MM: 17-3), Stonington (M: 12-8), Bacon Academy (MM: 15-5), New London (LL: 16-4)
6Northwestern16-4 (0.800)117587,175Wins: Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), Shepaug Valley (S: 5-15), Terryville (S: 8-12), Windsor Locks (S: 9-11), Nonnewaug (MM: 11-9), Wamogo (S: 4-16), Housatonic Regional (S: 10-10), Litchfield (S: 3-16), Shepaug Valley (S: 5-15), Terryville (S: 8-12), Nonnewaug (MM: 11-9), Gilbert (S: 15-5), Wamogo (S: 4-16), Housatonic Regional (S: 10-10), SMSA (S: 8-12), Litchfield (S: 3-16)
Losses: Thomaston (S: 17-3), Gilbert (S: 15-5), Suffield (MM: 15-5), Thomaston (S: 17-3)
7Granby Memorial15-5 (0.750)121650,094Wins: Rockville (L: 2-18), Capital Prep (S: 6-8), Holyoke High School (?-?), Bolton (S: 12-6), SMSA (S: 8-12), Stafford (S: 3-15), Rockville (L: 2-18), Windsor Locks (S: 9-11), Cromwell (M: 3-17), Terryville (S: 8-12), Suffield (MM: 15-5), Canton (S: 9-11), East Granby (S: 9-11), East Windsor (S: 13-7), Bolton (S: 12-6)
Losses: Ellington (MM: 17-3), Bacon Academy (MM: 15-5), Somers (S: 15-5), Coventry (S: 12-8), Ellington (MM: 17-3)
8Morgan14-5 (0.737)121202,056Wins: Cromwell (M: 3-17), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8), North Branford (S: 11-9), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Coginchaug (S: 11-9), Avon (MM: 9-11), Portland (S: 2-18), Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Westbrook (S: 3-17), Hale Ray (S: 8-12), Cromwell (M: 3-17), Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8), North Branford (S: 11-9)
Losses: East Hampton (M: 20-0), North Haven (MM: 13-7), Notre Dame-Fairfield (L: 6-14), Suffield (MM: 15-5), East Hampton (M: 20-0)
9Kolbe Cathedral13-7 (0.650)1165,219Wins: Hillhouse (L: 8-12), Fairfield Ludlowe (LL: 12-8), Norwalk (LL: 6-14), Bunnell (L: 1-18), Joel Barlow (MM: 8-12), Wilton (L: 10-10), Stratford (L: 5-15), Brookfield (MM: 11-9), Newtown (LL: 16-4), Immaculate (M: 11-9), Pomperaug (L: 16-4), Notre Dame-Fairfield (L: 6-14), Weston (MM: 6-14)
Losses: Mercy (LL: 15-5), New Milford (L: 16-4), Middletown (L: 16-4), Bethel (L: 12-8), East Hampton (M: 20-0), Masuk (L: 16-4), New Fairfield (MM: 12-8)
10Ansonia13-7 (0.650)11258,929Wins: Watertown (MM: 11-8), Wilby (L: 6-14), Woodland (M: 9-11), Bridgeport Central (LL: 5-14), Amistad (MM: 11-9), Crosby (L: 4-16), WCA (MM: 11-9), Derby (S: 1-19), Oxford (M: 17-3), Kennedy (LL: 11-9), Watertown (MM: 11-8), Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Torrington (L: 12-8)
Losses: Seymour (M: 11-9), Torrington (L: 12-8), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), Wolcott (M: 7-13), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Oxford (M: 17-3), Wolcott (M: 7-13)
11Platt Tech13-7 (0.650)5573,249Wins: Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Harding (L: 1-18), Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), Harding (L: 1-18), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15)
Losses: Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Amistad (MM: 11-9), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5)
12Stonington12-8 (0.600)111997,881Wins: Griswold (M: 5-15), Putnam (S: 2-17), Montville (M: 10-10), Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Griswold (M: 5-15), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Windham (M: 16-4), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), St. Bernard (S: 13-7), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Guilford (L: 7-13), Montville (M: 10-10)
Losses: Windham (M: 16-4), Ellington (MM: 17-3), Chariho Regional High School RI (?-?), Westerly RI High School (?-?), Killingly (MM: 10-10), Woodstock Academy (L: 15-5), Waterford (MM: 7-13), Ledyard (MM: 11-9)
13Haddam Killingworth12-8 (0.600)72589,766Wins: Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Cromwell (M: 3-17), Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Westbrook (S: 3-17), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Westbrook (S: 3-17), Coginchaug (S: 11-9), Portland (S: 2-18), Wamogo (S: 4-16), Wethersfield (L: 8-12), Hale Ray (S: 8-12), Cromwell (M: 3-17)
Losses: East Hampton (M: 20-0), Morgan (M: 14-5), North Branford (S: 11-9), Avon (MM: 9-11), Amistad (MM: 11-9), East Hampton (M: 20-0), Morgan (M: 14-5), North Branford (S: 11-9)
14Windham Tech12-8 (0.600)69691,324Wins: Norwich Tech (S: 9-11), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), Ellis Tech (S: 17-3), Norwich Tech (S: 9-11), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10)
Losses: Coventry (S: 12-8), Windsor Locks (S: 9-11), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Ellis Tech (S: 17-3), Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Parish Hill (S: 9-11), Bolton (S: 12-6), Windsor Locks (S: 9-11)
15Immaculate11-9 (0.550)11340,292Wins: Stamford (LL: 16-4), Notre Dame-Fairfield (L: 6-14), New Fairfield (MM: 12-8), New Milford (L: 16-4), Newtown (LL: 16-4), Stratford (L: 5-15), Weston (MM: 6-14), Joel Barlow (MM: 8-12), Bunnell (L: 1-18), Brookfield (MM: 11-9), Northwest Catholic (MM: 16-4)
Losses: St. Joseph (LL: 19-1), New Fairfield (MM: 12-8), Conard (LL: 17-3), Fairfield Ludlowe (LL: 12-8), Masuk (L: 16-4), Pomperaug (L: 16-4), Kolbe Cathedral (M: 13-7), Bethel (L: 12-8), New Milford (L: 16-4)
16Plainfield11-9 (0.550)81961,072Wins: Montville (M: 10-10), Parish Hill (S: 9-11), Ellis Tech (S: 17-3), Griswold (M: 5-15), Waterford (MM: 7-13), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Putnam (S: 2-17), Montville (M: 10-10), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), Griswold (M: 5-15)
Losses: Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Windham (M: 16-4), Ledyard (MM: 11-9), St. Bernard (S: 13-7), Stonington (M: 12-8), Windham (M: 16-4), Bacon Academy (MM: 15-5), Stonington (M: 12-8), Killingly (MM: 10-10)
17Seymour11-9 (0.550)80326,769Wins: Derby (S: 1-19), Wolcott (M: 7-13), Wilby (L: 6-14), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Crosby (L: 4-16), WCA (MM: 11-9), Torrington (L: 12-8), Kennedy (LL: 11-9), Woodland (M: 9-11), Naugatuck (L: 3-17)
Losses: Fairfield Warde (LL: 15-5), Fairfield Ludlowe (LL: 12-8), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), Oxford (M: 17-3), Woodland (M: 9-11), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Watertown (MM: 11-8), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Holy Cross (L: 19-1)
18Lewis Mills11-9 (0.550)53736,851Wins: Bloomfield (M: 2-18), Plainville (M: 8-12), Nonnewaug (MM: 11-9), Housatonic Regional (S: 10-10), Hartford Public (MM: 2-18), Platt (L: 1-19), Tolland (MM: 3-17), Maloney (L: 3-17), Tolland (MM: 3-17), Plainville (M: 8-12), Bloomfield (M: 2-18)
Losses: Farmington (L: 12-8), Middletown (L: 16-4), Bristol Eastern (L: 15-5), Berlin (MM: 14-6), Bristol Eastern (L: 15-5), Hall (LL: 5-15), East Catholic (S: 15-5), Nonnewaug (MM: 11-9), Bristol Central (L: 10-10)
19Comp Sci10-10 (0.500)76357,408Wins: Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), Capital Prep (S: 6-8), Parish Hill (S: 9-11), HMTCA (M: 5-14), International/Aerospace (M: 6-13), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Innovation (S: 18-2), Achievement First (S: 1-16), International/Aerospace (M: 6-13), Parish Hill (S: 9-11)
Losses: Weaver (MM: 12-8), East Windsor (S: 13-7), Hale Ray (S: 8-12), Classical Magnet (S: 12-7), East Granby (S: 9-11), SMSA (S: 8-12), Capital Prep (S: 6-8), Weaver (MM: 12-8), Innovation (S: 18-2), Stafford (S: 3-15)
20Montville10-10 (0.500)50349,908Wins: Griswold (M: 5-15), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), Tourtellotte (S: 8-12), Putnam (S: 2-17), Norwich Tech (S: 9-11), Portland (S: 2-18), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Putnam (S: 2-17), Wheeler (S: 4-16)
Losses: Plainfield (M: 11-9), Windham (M: 16-4), Stonington (M: 12-8), East Lyme (L: 1-19), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Griswold (M: 5-15), Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Windham (M: 16-4), Waterford (MM: 7-13), Stonington (M: 12-8)
21Woodland9-11 (0.450)64430,352Wins: Torrington (L: 12-8), Oxford (M: 17-3), Wilby (L: 6-14), Derby (S: 1-19), Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Wolcott (M: 7-13), Seymour (M: 11-9), Crosby (L: 4-16), Naugatuck (L: 3-17)
Losses: Holy Cross (L: 19-1), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Watertown (MM: 11-8), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), WCA (MM: 11-9), Pomperaug (L: 16-4), Kennedy (LL: 11-9), Cheshire (L: 8-12), Seymour (M: 11-9), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3)
22Plainville8-12 (0.400)18594,257Wins: Portland (S: 2-18), Bloomfield (M: 2-18), Platt (L: 1-19), Tolland (MM: 3-17), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Bloomfield (M: 2-18), Hartford Public (MM: 2-18), Maloney (L: 3-17)
Losses: Lewis Mills (M: 11-9), Berlin (MM: 14-6), Innovation (S: 18-2), Hall (LL: 5-15), East Catholic (S: 15-5), Middletown (L: 16-4), Avon (MM: 9-11), Wethersfield (L: 8-12), Rocky Hill (MM: 15-5), Bristol Eastern (L: 15-5), Bristol Central (L: 10-10), Lewis Mills (M: 11-9)
23Wolcott7-13 (0.350)51225,040Wins: Naugatuck (L: 3-17), Crosby (L: 4-16), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Derby (S: 1-19), Wilby (L: 6-14), Ansonia (M: 13-7), Kennedy (LL: 11-9)
Losses: Bethel (L: 12-8), Oxford (M: 17-3), Seymour (M: 11-9), St. Paul Catholic (M: 17-3), Watertown (MM: 11-8), Southington (LL: 11-9), Holy Cross (L: 19-1), Woodland (M: 9-11), WCA (MM: 11-9), Oxford (M: 17-3), Torrington (L: 12-8), Torrington (L: 12-8), Watertown (MM: 11-8)
24International/Aerospace6-13 (0.316)2659,323Wins: Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), HMTCA (M: 5-14), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Achievement First (S: 1-16), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17)
Losses: Innovation (S: 18-2), Achievement First (S: 1-16), Classical Magnet (S: 12-7), Weaver (MM: 12-8), Comp Sci (M: 10-10), Capital Prep (S: 6-8), Stafford (S: 3-15), Weaver (MM: 12-8), Comp Sci (M: 10-10), Innovation (S: 18-2), Classical Magnet (S: 12-7), HMTCA (M: 5-14), Parish Hill (S: 9-11)

Non-Qualifying Teams

25HMTCA5-14 (0.263)1365,476Wins: Achievement First (S: 1-16), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Achievement First (S: 1-16), International/Aerospace (M: 6-13)
Losses: SMSA (S: 8-12), Windsor Locks (S: 9-11), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), Classical Magnet (S: 12-7), Innovation (S: 18-2), International/Aerospace (M: 6-13), Comp Sci (M: 10-10), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Parish Hill (S: 9-11), Weaver (MM: 12-8), Capital Prep (S: 6-8), Classical Magnet (S: 12-7), Innovation (S: 18-2), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15)
26O'Brien Tech5-14 (0.263)12254,543Wins: Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15)
Losses: Bassick (MM: 12-8), Hale Ray (S: 8-12), Shepaug Valley (S: 5-15), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Bassick (MM: 12-8)
27Griswold5-15 (0.250)34736,176Wins: Norwich Tech (S: 9-11), Putnam (S: 2-17), Wheeler (S: 4-16), Montville (M: 10-10), Parish Hill (S: 9-11)
Losses: Stonington (M: 12-8), Montville (M: 10-10), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Ledyard (MM: 11-9), Waterford (MM: 7-13), Windham (M: 16-4), St. Bernard (S: 13-7), Norwich Free Academy (LL: 12-8), Stonington (M: 12-8), St. Bernard (S: 13-7), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Lyman Memorial (S: 13-7), Killingly (MM: 10-10), Plainfield (M: 11-9), Windham (M: 16-4)
28Lauralton Hall5-15 (0.250)23986,612Wins: Shelton (L: 6-14), Westhill (LL: 1-19), Career Magnet (MM: 3-17), Jonathan Law (MM: 10-10), Career Magnet (MM: 3-17)
Losses: Foran (MM: 14-6), Stratford (L: 5-15), Mercy (LL: 15-5), Hillhouse (L: 8-12), Lyman Hall (L: 10-10), Amity (L: 14-6), Guilford (L: 7-13), Shelton (L: 6-14), Mercy (LL: 15-5), Hillhouse (L: 8-12), Lyman Hall (L: 10-10), Weston (MM: 6-14), Amity (L: 14-6), Guilford (L: 7-13), Jonathan Law (MM: 10-10)
29Whitney Tech5-15 (0.250)21268,656Wins: Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), HMTCA (M: 5-14), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), HMTCA (M: 5-14)
Losses: International/Aerospace (M: 6-13), Bassick (MM: 12-8), Innovation (S: 18-2), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), East Windsor (S: 13-7), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Amistad (MM: 11-9), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Bassick (MM: 12-8), Amistad (MM: 11-9)
30Cromwell3-17 (0.150)16808,171Wins: Portland (S: 2-18), Old Lyme (S: 6-14), Hale Ray (S: 8-12)
Losses: Newtown (LL: 16-4), Morgan (M: 14-5), North Branford (S: 11-9), Canton (S: 9-11), Daniel Hand (MM: 8-12), East Hampton (M: 20-0), Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8), Coginchaug (S: 11-9), Westbrook (S: 3-17), Granby Memorial (M: 15-5), Old Saybrook (S: 15-5), Coginchaug (S: 11-9), Morgan (M: 14-5), Rocky Hill (MM: 15-5), North Branford (S: 11-9), East Hampton (M: 20-0), Haddam-Killingworth (M: 12-8)
31Abbott Tech3-17 (0.150)9514,084Wins: Goodwin Tech (M: 3-17), Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16), Wolcott Tech (S: 3-16)
Losses: Shepaug Valley (S: 5-15), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), O'Brien Tech (M: 5-14), Bassick (MM: 12-8), Wamogo (S: 4-16), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), New Fairfield (MM: 12-8), Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Whitney Tech (M: 5-15), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Wright Tech (S: 11-9), Bassick (MM: 12-8), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4), Windham Tech (M: 12-8), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Kaynor Tech (MM: 16-4)
32Goodwin Tech3-17 (0.150)293,706Wins: Vinal Tech (S: 0-18), Grasso Tech (S: 2-15), Vinal Tech (S: 0-18)
Losses: Innovation (S: 18-2), Bullard Havens Tech (MM: 15-5), Norwich Tech (S: 9-11), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), Wilcox Tech (M: 17-3), Abbott Tech (M: 3-17), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), Terryville (S: 8-12), Platt Tech (M: 13-7), HMTCA (M: 5-14), Cheney Tech (S: 6-14), Plainville (M: 8-12), Windham Tech (M: 12-8), Prince Tech (MM: 10-10), Ellis Tech (S: 17-3), International/Aerospace (M: 6-13)
33Bloomfield2-18 (0.100)14431,639Wins: Hartford Public (MM: 2-18), Weaver (MM: 12-8)
Losses: Lewis Mills (M: 11-9), SMSA (S: 8-12), Wethersfield (L: 8-12), Plainville (M: 8-12), Tolland (MM: 3-17), Hartford Public (MM: 2-18), East Hartford (LL: 9-11), Berlin (MM: 14-6), Platt (L: 1-19), Manchester (LL: 11-9), Hall (LL: 5-15), East Catholic (S: 15-5), Rocky Hill (MM: 15-5), Plainville (M: 8-12), New Britain (LL: 6-14), Newington (LL: 16-4), Windsor (L: 13-7), Lewis Mills (M: 11-9)